Pas De Trois-Spring 2011, 3ero de 3
Tendencias en maquillaje primavera 2011
“Fresh Mints, Turquoise and Pink “ Marta

Skin: Apply foundation partially on the face and fix the area of the eyecup. Foundation Studio Sculpt Foundation SPF 15, NC20 and NW25 with brush 190 (All MAC).
Ojos: Cejas: Sombra Brun y Rubenesque Paint Pot con pincel 266 / Base de maquillaje: Bare Study Paint Pot con pincel 242/ Sombra base: Brule, aplicar en toda la almendra con pincel 217 / Sombra Media:Aquadisiac difuminada en toda la almendra con pincel 217 / Sombra perlada: Pearl Chloropyll Green nº 3 Colorful- SEPHORA :Difuminada verticalmente desde el centro del parpado con pincel 14 / Beautiful Iris :debajo y hacia el exterior de la ceja con pincel 217 / Pistacho-Mousse Appeal de L´OREAL: Puente interno de la nariz/ Star Powder Oro-MAKE UP FOR EVER: pto de luz en el lagrimal con pincel 219/ Pearl Chloropyll Green nº 3 Colorful- SEPHORA con pincel 266 y violeta Aqua Eyes: en la línea inferior de las pestañas hacia arriba / Black- Hypnose Precious Cells-LANCOME: Mascara de pestañas.
Eyes: Brows: Shadow Brun and Rubenesque Paint Pot brush 266 / Base Makeup: Bare Study Paint Pot brush 242 / Shadow Base: Brule, applied throughout the almond, brush 217 / Shadow Media: Aquadisiac diffused throughout the almond Brush 217 / Shadow pearl: Pearl Green Chloropyll No. 3 Colorful-SEPHORA: Blend vertically from the center of the eyelid with a brush 14 / Beautiful Iris, below and to the outside of the eyebrow brush 217 / Pistachio-Mousse Appeal of L'OREAL: Bridge of the nose / Star Powder Gold-MAKE UP FOR EVER: light on the tear with brush 219 / Pearl Chloropyll Green No. 3 Colorful-SEPHORA with angle brush 266 and Violet Aqua Eyes: at the lower lash / Black-Hypnose-Lancome Precious Cells: mascara.

Labios: Biopell: Bálsamo hidratante (en farmacias) / Candy Yum Yum lipstick- MAC with 316 brush / Strawberry Mousse Appeal - L´OREAL: toques con la parte plana del pincel en el centro del labio inferior.
Lips: Biopell: Moisturizing Balm (pharmacies) / Candy Yum Yum with lipstick-MAC 316 brush / Strawberry Mousse Appeal - L'OREAL: touch with the flat of the brush in the center of the lower lip.

Cheeks: MAC Lady Blush Creme: blend with your fingers under the cheek bone / Brick Compact Peony-Shimer, BOBBI BROWN (Spring Collection 2010): with Blush Brush BOBBI BROWN-bone on the out / Minerals-Natural Bronze MAX FACTOR: touches of temples, cheekbones, bridge, forehead and chin / Luna Cream Colour Base Frost, illuminator / Transparent HD Powder-MAKE UP FOR EVER: shade the face.

Tutú vintage color salmón y foulard de gasa y paillettes color fuchsia
Candy Yun Yun, Base Study, Acuadisiac, Cream Violet by Mac Cosmetics

Max Factor: Foundation Natutral Minerals Bronzer.
Sephora: Pearl Chloropyll Green Nº3 Colorful, Brushes nº 14, nº40.
L´oreal Mousse Appeal
Pas de Trois, Spring 2011, 1ero de 3
Pas de Trois, Spring 2011, 2do de 3 make-up-trends spring-makeup-trends
Tarifa Make Up
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