Maquillaje de Fantasía
El lanzamiento de la línea Aqua Liner y Aqua Cream de Make Up For Ever, son la excusa perfecta para recrear un maquillaje de fantasía como el que le presento hoy. Un diseño floral con media mariposa que se adapta perfectamente a la fórmula waterproof, longwear de estos productos, saturada en pigmentos de colores exóticos y muy tropicales. Además están disponibles en 3 tipos de acabados: mate, satinado y brillante que permite hacer todo tipo de combinaciones.
Como fondo del diseño del ala de la mariposa te propongo un rainbow desde un azul o verde intenso (Aqua Cream) degradado hacia un fucsia desde el borde externo de la sien y el pómulo hasta llegar al borde interno del ojo y el tabique nasal finalizando con rosa claro (1 a 2). Este patrón degradado se puede repetir en el ojo (3) y la mejilla contraria (4).
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Aquerelle Make Up Forever |
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Lip Lacquer de NARS |
El toque final del maquillaje lo dan los cristales de Swarovski boreal en algunos puntos del rostro (5, 6) y si se quiere algún toque de Star Powder de Make Up For Ever para dar más brillo.

Fantasy Make Up
The launch of the Aqua Liner y Aqua Cream, from Make Up For Ever is the perfect excuse to recreate a fantasy makeup like the one presented today. A floral design with half a wing that adapts perfectly to the waterproof formula, Longwear of these products, saturated color pigments very exotic and tropical. Also available in 3 different finishes: matte, iridescent or diamond that allows all sorts of combinations.
As background design butterfly wing will propose a rainbow from a blue or deep green ( Aqua Cream) to a fuchsia gradient from the outer edge of the temple and cheekbone to the edge of the eye and the nasal septum ending with light pink (1 2).The gradient pattern can be repeated in the eye (3) and the opposite cheek (4).
When dry this can be fixed with MAC Fix and proceed to the lines of floral and butterfly design with a nylon brush hair synthetic long as the 10N and Aquerelle in white or orange Make Up For Ever. The brush must be saturated with product and can begin the stroke of the brush pressing lines to give thickness and finishing with less pressure to give variety to the stroke that is more artistic. These lines can be touched up with alternate strokes of a strong tone of Aqua Liner to create volume and depth in design.
Lips in a bright pink (so trendy) as the tone Candy Yum Yum MAC ending with Hot Wired NARS Lip Lacquer.
The final touch of makeup is given by Boreal Swarovski crystals in some points of the face (5, 6) and if you want a touch of Make Up For Ever Star Powder for more shine.
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Candy Yum Yum by MAC |
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Aqua Liner By Mke Up Forever |
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Aqua Cream by Make Up For Ever |
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